Have you ever required a loan? Obviously, we all must have had at some point of time in our lives been to a situation where we might have required a loan. Why is loan required? May be for some business…
INDIA GDP at 1.9%, HIGHEST AMONGST THE G-20 ”Capitalization of deferred loan payment must be done with due diligence….” She says ”Great-Lockdown”, Gita Gopinath the present Economic-Counsellor at the International Monetary Federation-(IMF), compares the present C-19 economic choke with the…
Digital transformation in the times of Lockdown for Retail Lending
The global events have taken a swift and uncertain turn in recent days. The economy is being riddled with uncertainty as to the future, with the force of every industrial sector behind it. The banking sector has not been left…
How does Car Loan Works?
If you are looking for a new or a second-hand car, there are lots of financing options available in the market. If you do not have enough savings to buy your dream car either new or used, you might consider taking a loan. Before taking…